Milky Way wide-angle shots
To really get a feel for how the Milky Way and night sky looked and learn the positions of the constellations relative to each other, I researched wide field photography and experimented with different framing silhouettes around the remote town of Maningrida in the NT. Most of the shots are from the airport as there is minimal light pollution in the area. Please see the images below:
This last shot was sent to and published by Australian Sky and Telescope Magazine (October 2017), Really just to see how well it would be received and if it was up to speed with contemporary astrophotography. As a stand alone shot there is inevitably a lot of noise in the night sky but it that allows it to define it's own space against the clarity of the tropical flora. Noise at this stage was a learning curve and still is, though I'm aware of a lot more strategies to remove it with this particular wide-angle process. You can also see in the first three shots a blurring of the foreground objects due to movement. Again, another effect which I actually quite liked but will need to explore further when I get back into this type of photography.
CAMERA; Canon 800D with Sanyang Wide angle lens. (Range of exposures and ISO's)
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